Hiroshima University – A Top Choice for International Students


Hiroshima University – A Top Choice for International Students


Hiroshima University is one of the leading higher education institutions in Japan and is a popular choice for international students due to its top-notch education, research opportunities and excellent location. Situated in Hiroshima city, the university offers a wide range of courses for international students to choose from, making it a great option for those looking for an international educational experience. Let’s learn more about what makes Hiroshima University the perfect choice for international students.

Overview of Hiroshima University

Hiroshima University is a highly sought after place of learning for international students. Located in the city of Hiroshima in western Japan, the university was founded in 1949 after World War II and is one of the leading research universities in the country. It consists of seven faculties, offering courses and programs in Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Engineering, Law, Education, Mathematics and Physics as well as Medicine.

In addition to its esteemed academic programs, Hiroshima University also has an impressive international exchange program which provides students with international exchange experiences both on campus and abroad. Exchange opportunities include student lectures by visiting scholars from top-ranking universities around the world; short-term visit programs; special research projects; overseas study tours; foreign language classes taught by foreign teachers employed for this purpose at Hiroshima University; and summer school at one or two universities abroad or a subject-based summer school.

Hiroshima University strives to create an international environment that provides its students with ways to learn about other cultures through student dialogue workshops, library lectures conducted by guest lecturers from overseas, various regional studies programs and joint performances with Tokushima Prefectural Performing Arts School Downtown Campus (TEPDC). TEPDC promotes mutual understanding through cultural exchange between Japan and other countries by incorporating art into academics.

Overall, Hiroshima University offers an ideal environment in which students can develop their knowledge base beyond what traditional lecture courses teach whilst fostering academic links with overseas institutions that cannot be replicated anywhere else.

Benefits of studying at Hiroshima University

Hiroshima University is one of Japan’s top universities and boasts a strong international presence. This prestigious educational institution is the ideal choice for international students looking to further their academic pursuits in Japan. Hiroshima University offers many benefits to students, with its cutting-edge research centers and innovative teaching methods. Below are some benefits of studying here:

•High levels of research: Hiroshima University is renowned for its advanced research centers, which cover a wide range of topics in fields such as science and technology as well as law and humanities. The university’s faculty also promotes collaborative research projects between faculty members.

•Supportive learning environment : The university has a strong emphasis on fostering student creativity and initiative-taking, providing an encouraging atmosphere to learn through various activities such as panel discussions, project competitions, internships, study abroad programs, and hands-on learning experiences.

•International experience : With its large international student population from over 80 countries , Hiroshima University offers students the opportunity to engage with diverse cultures from around the world by taking part in regular organization events including exchange days, lectures by visiting scholars overseas partners, business forums etc). Additionally airport pickup services for foreign students are provided upon arrival , allowing smooth transition into life in Hiroshima .

•Practical Skills : The university focuses on acquiring skills that can be applied directly towards a career after graduation . These valuable vocational skills are acquired through courses , talks from guest speakers and networking events with major companies in Japan .

Academic Programs

Hiroshima University is a great place to pursue an education for international students. It offers a wide range of academic programs that cater to both domestic and international students. The university also provides a supportive environment for its students, with excellent staff and resources. Let’s take a look at the different academic programs that are available at Hiroshima University.

Undergraduate Programs

Hiroshima University is well-renowned for its wide variety of programs aimed at preparing international students for graduate studies and successful careers. The university offers a range of undergraduate and graduate courses in the areas of humanities, international relations, natural sciences, creative arts, engineering and more. In addition to regular courses tailored specifically for international students, Hiroshima University also provides special workshops and academic seminars that are designed to provide students with a deeper knowledge and understanding of the Japanese language and culture.

At the undergraduate level, Hiroshima University’s programs range from the traditional Japanese cultural studies topics such as literature and foreign language classes; social sciences such as political science, history or sociology; specialized course offerings in robotics or information technology; engineering disciplines such as civil engineering or chemistry; fields like business administration or accounting; international-focused offerings like global studies or cross cultural communication.

In addition to classroom instruction, many undergraduate courses include field trips to explore local venues so that students can gain an appreciation of Japan’s culture firsthand. On-campus residential learning communities provide ample opportunities to get involved with activities both within and outside the university locale. Additionally, flatmates from all over the world provide an invaluable chance to make friends from different countries while studying abroad in Japan.

The Student Exchange Program has also become very popular among Hiroshima University international students as it allows them to take part in educational exchanges with top universities worldwide. This program encourages knowledge exchange between partner institutions worldwide while enhancing intercultural communication skills through face-to-face conversations among peers who have differing backgrounds and perspectives on global issues.

Graduate Programs

Hiroshima University is proud to offer its community of international students access to a wide range of graduate programs. The exact types of courses and degrees vary by college, but all colleges offers courses within four main areas: Humanities and Social Sciences; Science and Technology; Education and Culture Studies; as well as Law, Economics, Business Administration, Public Service and Industry-University Collaboration.

Students can choose from graduate programs that fit with their individual interests, including offering programs in specific disciplines such as law, economics, public/social policy, media studies, literature/language/linguistics, cultural studies and sciences including medicine, engineering or the environment. As a leader in international student education in Asia and beyond Hiroshima University understands how important it is to stay up to date with the latest development in academic fields. That’s why Hiroshima University strives to offer students access to cutting-edge research opportunities afforded by weekly career seminars.

As a top university for international students seeking advanced degrees and professional qualifications Hiroshima University also offers access to unique resources unavailable elsewhere. These include opportunities for direct collaboration between industries seeking technological solutions that are at the very forefront of innovation as well as grants that allow students avenues to fund their own research such as government grants or Japan’s Ministry of Education’s (MEXT) scholarships. We also strive to provide our international students with support networks enabling them access to successful alumni who can provide insights on new career paths during their time at the University.

Student Life

Hiroshima University is an ideal destination for international students. With a variety of campus activities, international student organizations, and vibrant student life, Hiroshima University provides a fulfilling experience to international students. In this section, we will explore all the aspects of student life at Hiroshima University, from the academic environment to social activities, and more.

Student Organizations

Hiroshima University places great emphasis on providing students with a diverse range of extra-curricular activities and clubs to engage in. Through our research and study exchanges programs, we offer international students the opportunity to experience many aspects of Japan’s culture, language and society. We are also proud to offer some of the most active student organizations in Japan, from service groups to sports teams.

Through Hiroshima University’s Student Organization Office, prospective students can explore a variety of clubs that fit their interests or specializations. A full list of student organizations can be found on the university website where more information about each group can be found. For example, there are 33 different research settings ranging from Social Studies and Liberal Arts Clubs to Natural Science departments like Plant Biology and Molecular Biology Clubs.

Also available are various sport’s teams ranging across different seasons such as sailing, volleyball club and synchronized swimming team during summer season; shogi club, baseball club and softball team during spring season; traditional Japanese dance club, judo sponsorships as well as snowboard during winter season. There is even an intercultural exchange student group run by international students that provides hybrid cultural activities such as exchanging languages (English conversation practice), cooking food from different parts of the world or sightseeing outside campus grounds all year round!

Whether you’re seeking academic pursuits or social activities through hobbies and sports, Hiroshima University takes pride in offering an all-encompassing student experience for its wide range of students!

Campus Facilities

Hiroshima University aims to provide top-notch facilities for its students and provides a wide range of resources and services to the school’s community. From traditional to modern, from small classrooms to huge halls, from science laboratories to workshops and entrepreneurial labs, Hiroshima University has all bases covered for any kind of student activity.

The university’s campus is home to plenty of research buildings such as the Faculty of Science Building or the Atomic Bomb Dome Building, both available for students and researchers alike. Furthermore, it also offers a variety of facilities such as a library with several books on every conceivable topic and a computer center that provides access to computers, printers, scanners and other tech items. It also boasts multiple sports centers that include a gymnasium with basketball court, swimming pools, tennis courts among other amenities.

Hiroshima University also provides education alignment by providing the necessary resources in foreign languages that may not be available in Japan but still required by students who want their study abroad programs complete. To this end, it offers language courses in English, German, French and Spanish which are essential for international students. Lastly it has multiple student accommodations available within or just outside its campus boundaries which enables convenient living for its inhabitants.


Accommodation is an important part of student life at Hiroshima University and there are several options available to international students. The University provides on-campus housing for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as meals in the university cafeterias six days a week.

On-campus housing is generally very affordable, with single rooms costing around ¥20,000 per month. There are also a number of convenient off-campus apartments available which cost slightly more but have the advantage of being close to the university campus. There are also a few homestays where international students can stay with Japanese families and get a taste of Japanese culture and experience living in Japan.

To ensure that all students have access to secure accommodation situations we also offer support for finding accommodation such as providing referrals to rental agents and introducing roommates. We also offer advice on navigating cultural differences related to accommodation as part of our student orientation program.


Hiroshima University is one of the premier universities in Japan, and it’s no wonder why it has become a top choice for international students. The university is known for its excellent academic programs, diverse student body, and top-notch faculty. The admissions process can be a bit tricky, however, so in this article, we’ll provide an overview of the admissions process and tips to help you get accepted.

Application Requirements

For international students that hope to apply to Hiroshima University, there are several key application requirements to complete prior to submitting an admissions application. These requirements will vary depending on the degree or program you’re considering, and it is best to confirm with the Admissions Office before submitting an application.

In general, international applicants must provide official transcripts from all previous institutions attended documenting grades obtained for courses completed; a comprehensive and well-written statement of purpose outlining why you have chosen this particular degree/program as well as your intended career goals upon completion; two letters of recommendation from professors or employers who can vouch for your abilities and qualifications; a copy of your passport information page (as proof of identification); and evidence of any scholarships or merit awards you have received. International applicants may also need to provide evidence of English proficiency through either the TOEFL or IELTS exam (used for non-native English speakers), or Japanese language proficiency if studying at an advanced level.

All documents must be printed on official university letterhead stationary with appropriate signatures, seals and/or authentications confirmations. Additionally, please note that all records should be translated into Japanese by a certified translator if written in any other language other than English (or Japanese).

Application Process

Applying for admission to Hiroshima University is an exciting and rigorous process for international students. There are a few steps that international applicants must complete in order to be accepted:

1. Submit your application form. Completed applications can be submitted online or through the university’s Admission Office. Applicants should list their academic background, including their grades and self-reported test scores (if available). In addition, they should include any additional documents pertaining to their English proficiency, such as TOEFL or IELTS Scores or other forms of language proficiency certification.

2. Submit all required documents. Original copies of each applicant’s passport, academic transcripts/diplomas and any other supporting documents should be mailed directly to the university office no later than one month prior to the start of classes. The Admissions Office can provide assistance with document preparation if needed by international applicants before sending them in.

3. Take the Entrance Examination for International Students (EEX). This exam assesses applicants’ knowledge on a range of subjects including mathematics, science, humanities and economics and it is taken online at designated test sites around the world two months prior to the start of classes in Hiroshima University’s fall term (August).

4. Participate in an Interview Process upon request from Hiroshima University’s Admissions Office; if requested, applicants will be asked to take part in interviews conducted via Skype as part of their admission process where they will have a chance to discuss their skills, experiences and ambitions with faculty members from Hiroshima University’s admissions committee.

5. Receive a notification letter from the Admissions Office detailing your admission status within two weeks after successfully completing all admissions requirements stated above; those who are admitted into Hiroshima University’s program will also receive a detailed information packet outlining next steps related to enrollment as well as further details about student life at the university.


After exploring the numerous benefits of studying at Hiroshima University, it is clear that it is a top choice for international students looking for an exceptional educational experience. It offers a diverse student body, a high-quality education, world-class facilities and a unique cultural experience combined with the opportunity to explore Japan and its many wonders. Thus, Hiroshima University is an excellent choice for those seeking an international degree program.

Summary of Benefits

Hiroshima University is a unique educational institution that provides many benefits for international students. With numerous courses of study, competitive tuition costs, and a beautiful campus environment, the university offers a unique experience for international students looking to pursue higher education. Students benefit from the university’s outstanding faculty and qualified staff, as well as a range of cultural resources and activities for recreational purposes.

In addition to its academic advantages, Hiroshima University also provides excellent professional networking opportunities in the form of internships and exchange programs with industries across Japan and in other parts of the world. The university also offers ample student support services including health care services, counseling services and support for extracurricular activities.

In conclusion, Hiroshima University is an attractive option for international students seeking to broaden their world perspective while pursuing advanced studies at one of Japan’s prestigious institutions. With its highly qualified faculty members and strong student life initiatives, Hiroshima University is an ideal choice for students looking to study abroad in Japan.

Contact Information for Further Questions

Hiroshima University is a highly regarded institution of higher learning in Japan, and is an ideal choice for international students from all over the world. This guide provides a quick overview of the notable highlights of Hiroshima University and resources to contact for further questions.

If you would like to get in touch with us directly, please visit our contact page available on the university website. We look forward to hearing from you, and will be happy to answer any questions or concerns that you may have about our campus facilities and student services.

We recommend that you get in touch with our dedicated International Student Services department listed below:

-International Student Services Section, Education Affairs Division
-Hiroshima University
-1-7-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima City 739-8529 Japan
Tel: +81-(0)82-424-6233 Fax: +81-(0)82-424-6223 E-mail: intlsv@hiroshima_u.ac.jp

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