Hey guys!I’m Rin, and I manage this blog named【Eat, Play, Travel】
Don’t you think that you would like to eat Ethnical Asian Dishes sometimes??
So, in this article, I would like to tell you about “APSARAS restaurant(Cambodian & Vietnamese Food)” in Saijo Town, Higashihiroshima City.🇰🇭🇻🇳
Cambodian & Vietnamese Restaurant “APSARAS”

I googled “Saijo Vietnamese Restaurant, ” then I found it! The name is『APSARAS(アプサラス)』🔍
APSARAS means “Angel” in Cambodian language.
It is located near “Noel (Cake Shop).”
You can get off the bus at “In front of the Saijo Elementary School”(西条小学校前)
When I enter the restaurant, the owner (used to look like angel) talked to me and let me in 👰

I found familiar faces inside. They are Japanese Comedian who are called “Ungirls.” ❗️
They are from Hiroshima University, so they have came here❗️I’m getting to be excited❗️

I sat the table. There were some Japanese style table with tatami.
On the table, there were a lot of kinds of money! They were from a lot of countries.
The owner collected them, and some of them are brought by exchange students of Hiroshima University!🤑
HP:They don’t have their own website.
Review of Retty:APSARAS
Time:[Lunch] 11:00-15:00 [Dinner] 17:00-22:00
Date:They are close every Monday
Tell:082 421 3276
Address:1-8-3, Central Saijo, Higashi Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture
The Dishes I had
I came this restaurant because I really wanted to eat “Pho(Vietnamese Famous Noodle).”🍲
Of course, I wanted to order PHO. HOWEVER, They didn’t have Pho😭😭
It’ okay. I don’t care. I ordered the famous menu at this restaurant. It was Hu Tieu Kho(Another Vietnamese Noodle without soup)& Cha Gio(Fried Spring Rolls)❗️

Dishes were a little bit expensive 💦 But, we should understand it because it is very countryside here.
Actually, I waited for 20 minutes.
There were three groups except for me, and the staffs are only two. So, it took some time.
Finally, the staff came to me and served this!!

Wow, it looks delicious, isn’t it?
Yes, but… It is not my order 😂❗️
I ordered Tu Tieu Kho (Vietnamese Noodle without Soup,” but it was just Hu Tieu with soup…
But they looked very busy, and they were foreigners, so I understood. I ate it !🙏
Happenings like this made me feel that I was really in South Eastern Country😂
It was really delicious, and very south eastern asian taste!!😋❤️
There was a Nampla(Fish tasted sourse)on the table◎
After I finished this noodle, I realized that I haven’t have Cha Gio(Fried Spring Roll).
In my head…
“Did they listen to my order correctly??”
“I’m kind of full now, so should I leave without any claim?”
My head is full of these kinds of anxious, but I decided to wait.
In another 30 minutes….

They served me this! AHH. I’m relieved now!!!!😋
Actually, I found a small creepy insect on the dish…🌱
It was alive, and also it was reallyyyyy creepy 😂 I could touch cute one such as ant and green worm, but it was creepy enough I could not touch or even see it…
It was disgusting😫
I ate two Fried Spring Roll, but it is not delicious, so I left half🙇♀️
Message From RiN
In this article, I introduced “APSAEAS” where you can eat Cambodian & Vietnamese dishes in Saijo.
When I was there, I encountered some sad happenings, but I felt that I was in South eastern Asian country.
In this blog, I write about “eat” “play” and “travel.”
I am happy if you could see other articles, Thank you!❤️